Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh look he's taking pictures again

So yeah we've had a pretty okay weekend in Toronto, weatherwise, and after finally getting a new charger for my camera's battery I'm taking pictures again.
And it's something I really want to take up again. Taking pictures for el bloggo here was certainly an important part of what would motivate me to get out and explore London - to make the most of it.
It's often tempting to feel that, even though this is my first time living here and I certainly have not seen all Toronto has to offer, there isn't much reason to do this here. "It's Canada, whatever...I've seen Tim Hortons before. I've seen the architecture and heard these people before. La dee dah".
But that's a pretty shit way to look at where you live and - frankly - a great way to get depressed! So here's to trying to make more of an effort to enjoy the city at it's fullest and to report back here with some decent pictures - I want to do more on-site stuff, when possible, for Handful and I reckon that ought to feed back into this as well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Pixel Boy
Nice stuff but your bloggo is taking a Loooong time to load these days :-((


Author said...

Glad to see you're taking photos again! I feel the same way - now that the shine has worn off, a little, I'm tempted to say "Bah, it's still Canada" re: Vancouver - but, I totally agree that taking photos is a great motivator to get oneself up, out and about. ... and to remind me, every once in a while, what a gorgeous city I've come to call my adopted home.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I wouldn't want it to load so slow as to make the man with two mouths to frown! Seriously though, you guys are the only one with this problem. MAYBE LINUX IS BEING A BAD MAN.

But yes, Tania, it absolutely is a good thing. That...that's as articulate as I can be right now, it seems!

Anonymous said...

I love the last photo. There's this Victorian feeling of the Cast Iron scroll-work, arm rest on the bench. Then juxtaposed with that is the modern skateboard feeling given by the wooden slat back of the bench.Then that all frames what is going on in the distance. Very interesting.