Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So it occurred to me the other day that I need to get a part-time job again. Something about money? But there is also the forced structure, I think.

This is when you work.
This is when you do not work.
Do not fuck with this or we will be forced to make your limbs bend in ways they ain't supposed to and also, maybe, tell your momma convincing lies about what you do in the evening.

A useful moment of clarity hit me last night. I realized that I'd been working (on my behalf) basically 10+ hour days for eleven days straight. The show. Scripts. Job hunting all over towne. I had basically been waking up, usually after a fitful nights rest that was made so by waking up and having trouble getting back to sleep due to having Too Many Things racing around my head, and then alternating between running around at 100kph or collapsing in a heap until I was recharged enough to go back to the former.

At the start of this writing sabbatical the thing to do was make sure I didn't just laze around, write three sentences and consider it a full day. Now the pendulum has swung too far the other way. This is not apocalyptic, but I figured it's been a hundred years since I wrote a "Bloggy Bloggerton" style post and oh what a treat.

Meanwhile, both the show and that script I've been developing for a fellow have passed over their respective humps. I can now start looking at What To Do Next and it is pretty exciting! I just hope I can get a nice lil' job at a nice lil' bookstore so I can get out of the house more, interact with more strangers and basically get a little more balance going on.

This is a pretty good read with a pretty good point.
1 2 3 4

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