Sunday, August 17, 2008


One nice side-effect of making Handful is that I have learned a great deal and found many new, useful websites in my efforts to make the show more visually interesting than just my mug in front of a brick wall. For this coming week's episode I wanted to insert a clip that I had found on Youtube. After securing permission from the owner, I had to learn that .flv is the filename suffix for all flash compressed videos hosted on Youtube and it's many compatriots. From there I learned the hard way that my editing software doesn't know what to do with the shit!

So I poked about a bit further and found this magnificent site - Vixy - which not only facilitates the downloading of online flash compressed video but it converts the bloody .flv's into far more usable formats such as .mov, .avi and the format in which I always upload the show (.mp4).

Oh, for the record, the clip I nabbed off of Youtube is not this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We miss you.