Thursday, July 31, 2008

"What Writers Make"

One of the trickiest things in being self-employed, or so I've learned from my parents and their many self-employed friends that I've met over the years, is setting a price for your services. You want to entice someone into hiring you or purchasing your product, but you also don't want to cheat yourself or even drive people away with prices so low they assume what you're offering is crapola.

For this last script I've been paid for, I basically did a calculation based off what I knew the producers budget to be (approx.) and what my own personal monthly expenses are. But according to the GUVVERMINT I should be charging $23.82 an hour. Well, at least until I hit 55 and then I should charge a little less as my doddering old brain won't be able to churn out tales like she used to.


Author said...

Hahaha - this makes me think about all those articles I've read in girly (not dirty, but targeted toward women) mags that try to teach women how to assess their own worth in terms of relationships ! :P

Oliver Brackenbury said...




Shawn M. said...

when i was born my pa said specifically, 'son, when you grow up you will be worth exactly zero compliments an hour to a lady.'

you can tell i am being serious otherwise i wouldn't be employing the internet-favourite 'e.e. comings style'