Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Online petitions...

...feel about as flaccid as [Republican Senator's member] after they were caught soliciting [sexual act] from [homosexual escort] at [public transit terminal or back alley]!

But this one seems worth a damn, particularly since it is the precursor to a march on April 22nd - aka Earth Day. If you live in Toronto, you may wish to attend.


Shawn M. said...

Because I am a dick--a sick, tired, and ultimately sad dick--I wanted to congratulate you on properly using the apostrophe in this post. That's the English Major that I befriended!

Now to pay attention to things you actually said.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I had finished my degree when we became friends - at age fourteen?

Now how has their grammar dick in a bundle?

In a bundle!

Shawn M. said...


In any event, I can always fall back upon the excuse of being unwell! What can you fall back on?

Have you... nothing?

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I am continually made ill by the high pitched whine that is your voice, sir!