Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So last night, after I finished putting the final polish on a couple of comedy sketches for my web collaborator, I found myself with a small concern I'd never thought I'd have to wrestle with.

It stemmed from a sketch I had written about a fictional "Church of Scientology Babysitting Service". As most people who know me would be sure to say, I'm usually willing to take the piss out of anyone and everything without fear for consequences. I'd even go so far as to say I can be a bit reckless at times. However, the worst this has ever bitten me in the ass is with the inevitable "Oh dear the person you're making a joke about is standing right behind you" scenario.

But man, if there is one* thing that is objectionable about the CoS it is that they have no sense of humor about being mocked and are a very, very litigious bunch. Not only that, but they have been known to harrass the hell out of any journalist who investigates them, put serious pressure on television shows that dare to satirize them (including getting the South Park episode about the CoS pulled - though it's still pretty easy to find on the internet) and have kidnapped the odd person (Go to page 61 of this pdf for an example). The protestors at the three world wide "Anonymous" protests wore and continue to wear masks for good reason.

I'm not looking out the window every ten minutes to try and figure out which of the strangers on my street might be a private investigator hired by the CoS. But that I've even for a second considered asking not to be credited for the sketch really pisses me off. Even further, inspired by some of the material in that pdf I've linked to, I've written a rough outline for a feature film drawing inspiration from several real life incidents involving the CoS. After a joyful, almost feverish spat of putting thoughts to page I wondered if anybody would be willing to fund such a thing, for fear of the good Church's pressure tactics coming to bear on them. The "Jews control the media and entertainment industry" bullshit is just that, but it's fair to say the CoS has a bit of control with the latter.

Or who knows, maybe the publicity from Anonymous' war on the scientologists has - or will, as they certainly haven't stopped - could lead to enough of a spotlight on these heinous shit merchants, thugs and demagogues to prevent them from being able to flex their muscles. Any thoughts? Should I go through with the feature script and try to get it made?

*There are many, many, many, many things that are objectionable about them.


Addendum: I've added a couple of slideshows on the right-hand side, a new blogger feature I rather appreciate since this thing is generally pretty picture heavy (though not lately!). Feast your peepers on those, if you like.


Author said...

Go through with it - everyone should get to have their say... they can bully as much as they like, but in an open and democratic society they have to accept that they subject to observation and scruitny like everyone else. As long as what you're portraying isn't bordering on a hate crime, I say go for it.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Well it's certainly how I feel. The thing is, they really don't accept being subject to scrutiny! Give some of those links a peak and you'll see what I mean. Hell, just google "Operation Snow White" if you want to see the most frightening thing they've ever done.

Shawn M. said...

Bear in mind that while most of the information offered by Anonymous is accurate, it's presented in an obviously-biased fashion that reeks of the sort of alarmism one might find on local news networks. It's also worth noting that you probably wouldn't find yourself on their radar at all. You're not exactly a prominent celebrity (yet)!