Friday, March 07, 2008

Round and round and round she goes

...and you don't stop?

Well, I've found more than three days temp work and it feels pretty durn good. A permanent role would be better, but this staves off the money demons to such a distance that they shan't be distracting me as much as they have been lately.
This is good since my web series show bible got the thumbs up from my director, who is now going to run it by the producer to do a cost analysis. I look forward to finding out what may need to be cut or changed to save costs, so that I can then plow onward and write the remaining twelve episodes of the thirteen episode season. Given that it's for the web, they're going to be about ten minutes long and I enjoy the constraint.I couldn't find the exact post, but I know I've mentioned here before about how one of the first challenges I had to overcome was writing scenes that read like novels. With only ten pages to try and convey almost as much as you might have in a half hour or even hour-long program...this is not a luxury you can afford! I still am not in a position to reveal much, but when I can, I will.MEANWHILE
I cannot seem to escape these craven idols of Freddie Mercury.

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