Monday, March 24, 2008

I don't care if it's lame

...I've just put the final touches to my new bedroom. I've said it before, a good bedside lamp makes all the difference in your daily peace of mind (and proper curtains don't hurt either).Also - magnificent coasters for the planned martini bar in the guest room.
Meanwhile, I had a bit of luck and bumped into another film-maker-in-the-making at my job today. He let me know about the Canadian Film Festival that is going on this week. I'm going to try for the opening gala tomorrow night and if that fails, at least one of the screenings. Meeting this fellow also reminded me that I should make some fuggin' business cards! How else am I ever going to become Mr. Hollywood?
Addendum: I'm kind of a dick?

Also, some of you may be familiar with my theory that there is an alternate dimension populated entirely by political satire of this dimension....and shit is spilling over here from there.


Shawn M. said...

Hey! Don't knock Pro-Life!


Wait. Wait. That was the opposite of what I meant to say!

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Careful now!

Author said...

I gotta say, your pad looks pretty swank!

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Thanks! I look forward to slowly adding bits here and there to further improve it over the months to come. Mostly I'm trying to get things I can take with me to whatever my next place will be - my rough plan being to try and get a mortgage on a downtown condo.

Anonymous said...

Really like the photos. You have a good eye and capture a certain mood with your lighting and composition.
Is there no end to the boys talent?

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of a dick?

has a poor link young fella!

Take better care of your Dick :-))