Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm not entirely sure what this is about

...but I kind of like it!


Anonymous said...

Well if you look at the picture long enough you get the feeling the building really does need to be tilted 5 degrees.

This is a game you can play with the mind,
just lay down with you feet raised and let the blood go to your head :-))
You can make the ceiling feel like the floor.

Or is this just another more sophisticated piece of street art ?

Anonymous said...

One more, and I think more plausible possibility is:

Its the Dance Hall getting peoples attention, kinda neat really.

rob said...

i would like to know what your screenplay is about?

Oliver Brackenbury said...

TCG: I like your latter suggestion! Luckily that building isn't too far from me, so I'll try to give it a closer inspection soon.

Robert: I'm juggling two films right now. One is a near future tale on a grand scale and the other is my picking back up a satire of romantic comedies which I filmed a trailer of (Youtube "Tonight We Fall In Love" if you like). I'd get into more detail about the former, but it's still coming together and I don't feel comfortable leaking anything until it's more complete.

Nice blog, by the by! I found the beachcombing stuff pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

Load the link again Dude its incomplete LOL