Thursday, August 23, 2007


What can I say, we all get distracted. No comic tonight, I am afraid.

Some of us get distracted by The Great Happiness Space Documentary which chronicles the people who run and go to a Japanese Host Club.

It's a very interesting watch with far, far more to it than the "look at how those Japanese people do things which may not happen in your daily life!" angle. Mostly I found myself enthralled by listening to the way the people describe their interactions, social and financial, then seeing how the film editor contrasted them with what happens and what those on the other end of the transactions had to say.

Warning: It's also a good way to get very cynical about both genders! Just sayin'!


Anonymous said...

makes me more cynical is that's possible lol

very interesting though. I especially like how honnest the patrons are about being willfully "hoodwink-ed".

Then the hosts create this multifaceted relationship. Sure it's primary purpose is to make money, but the web weaved towards that end is facinating. Creating love, trust..even chastising them.

talk about rejecting reality and substituting one of your own choosing. Or that could just be my Canadian blinders on...

I love the docs you send our way. Still passing on dvd copies of Adam Curtis to friends here in Canada lol


Anonymous said...

not quite as bowlshattering, but here's a series of interesting docs on Mormon history by PBS.

think of it as a supplement to the infamous and hilarious south park episode lol


Oliver Brackenbury said...

Yeah it's a really weird situation where everyone involved pretty much knows all the angles and yet continues to participate if only due to a lack of imagination! (i.e. Maybe Issai could invest all the money he has earned in a new line of work before his liver dies a terrible death!?).

Also, the scolding thing blew my mind! For a moment I was tempted to try it, but something tells me that wouldn't work so well in a western culture!

Anyways, don't worry about "Canadian blinders". People are can't let cultural relativism's utter bullshit force to try see them any other way.

Ηυσεβιος Μαρκος said...

I think talking about our own cultural blinders gives us that badly needed pinch of salt when observing other cultures lol but I definately take your point

you know you're a scifi nerd when the best "it's like..." example you can come up with when discussing this doc is...

remember the old TOS ep the menagerie? which was all about choosing illusion over reality? It's like that lol

Speaking of TOS, this summer I read Harland Ellison's original script for his ep city of the edge of forever and read up on his prickly relationship with Roddenberry. From the sound of things looks like old Gene was the lodestone of the franchise rather than it's savior, stealing ideas, writing scripts the editors rejected...the crazy old coot...something like Stan Lee I suppose, more a figurehead than anything else lol