Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Layout - ha cha cha cha


Working with paw on the website for the webcomic, I've been thinking more about proper site presentation and how it relates to being easy on the eye. The old template I used was snazzy and stylish, but cramped and somewhat counter-intuitive. Let me know if you like this profile better, if you don't, if you don't give hoot or a holler...or if you think that maybe I should have , instead of Athens, booked a trip to the secret city of Laos.

As for the webcomic site, my two favorite designs have always been Chris Onstad's and Ryan's. The use of whitespace, centering and minmalism all come together for something visually pleasing. Neither site ever feels cluttered - which is impressive on the latter given how many features Ryan has packed in - and my eyes are automatically on the comic as soon as the page loads. I find with some of my other regular reads that if I'm a little tired or distracted, I have to re-center my vision slightly and this can be a little annoying (FIRST WORLD PROB-). Sounds like nitpicking in the extreme, I know, but I strongly believe that even the tinest annoyance - repeated consistantly over a long period of time - has the power to make people less inclined to come back. Plus, let's face it, Internet usage seems to drive a lot of people to Olympic levels of laziness.

It's the first proper sunny, summer day in London today. Looking out of the kitchen window I saw a long string of roses reaching from the neighbors lawn and stretching out along the clothes line. It's invigorating as all get out, which is grand as that's just what I need to help me finish pinning the second draft of Momentum to the mat.
Addendum: Speaking of content and opinions and all that...feel free to make suggestions requests or coments regarding what you liked seeing here and what you might like to see. Now that I've been in London almost six consecutive months and England for almost ten I find that some of the touristy-ness is wearing off, perhaps leading me to leaving out interesting details which I'm glossing over as I become more assimilated.


Anonymous said...

I happen to like the politics, but only if you argue back :)

Oliver Brackenbury said...


I mean, I'll see what I can do to be more argumentative!

I'll certainly want to get a bit deeper into the political side of England in the coming months. Right now I'm not even sure if there will be a proper election anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

Try giving your link text a bit more contrast. Actually the whole page needs a bit more contrast. Just choosing a darker text should work.
Try "times new roman" its a well used tt font. You will probably have to use a larger size for it though.

Anonymous said...

On a completely different note, I can't believe it's been almost a year since you left. Weird.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Eight and a half months so far, but Christ if it doesn't feel longer...or shorter, depending on my mood!

A heh, this is a prime example of saying a whole lot of nothing.

But yes, my goal is two years before I give a stern appraisal of my situation and decide whether or not to stay for the long haul. Any sooner would just feel too premature.