Monday, April 16, 2007

Some drawer-ings

Well, I may not have the chops of Simon - but I think I'm getting closer to what I want for the webcomic. Getting the USB cord in the mail and using my new scanner/printer reminded me of something I should have remembered after only six months of being scanner-less. Pencil drawings do not scan at all well, inking is a must.

I've made some forays into inking but they aren't quite anything to show yet - one or two full page drawings have even been ruined by an errant, spastic motion which lead to the atmosphere of my apartment being rendered audibly blue. When I get one I like, I'll post it - true story!

But for now I'll slap up the 15/30/45 takes of Clive, the main character, and his girlfriend Charlotte (with whom I plan to have him live, thus far).
Fifteen minute Clive showed promise, I even tried to work in a little design for his t-shirt. Arms were too thick, but oh well on to 30 minute Clive.
Thirty minute Clive is my favorite and damn near what I'd like to use as the basic reference model for the strip. The loose lines in the hair will come or go if I colour or don't colour the strip - I'm tempted to start black & white then migrate to colour as skill allows. The biceps are still a little thick, I guess I was just trying to avoid boring cylinders for upper arm sections. The only other thing I'd change is the collar, which I think I nailed better on...
,,,45 minute Clive. Though I felt I made some improvements from 30 minute Clive, I definitely had trouble replicating what I wanted to keep. Consistency is something I'm going to try and work on more, I've filled a couple of sheets with repetitions of faces etc for the characters as a means of practice. I'd post them, but they're boring?

Meanwhile 15 minute Charlotte was, frankly, horrid. I think I tried to overcomplicate things, which would explain why I spent time detailing her belt but didn't finish her right hand in the time I gave myself! So I'll skip to thirty minute Charlotte.
As with thirty-minute Clive, I felt like I'd just about nailed it. I was aiming for a much shorter, curvier figure than Devon (a new design for which, I'll try to post later this week). For whatever reason, I've known a lot of women with this kind of build so I just tried to work from a mental composite image - as opposed to Clive, who is shamelessly modelled after myself and other tall, slender lads. Anyways, aside from my running difficulties with feet, I think I really got everything the way I wanted but perhaps for a slightly too large chest. I tried to correct this without making it look weird...however I don't mind admitting that I was reluctant to spend too much time on that section of the anatomy due to a self-conscious moment wherein I realized I was a guy sitting alone in his apartment drawing and re-drawing boobs. I got over it quick enough, but still! One of the draw backs of writing for film and thinking so often in filmic terms is that it is very easy to quickly compose an unflattering image of ones self!
Fourty-five minute Charlotte had a more satisfying torso, so to speak, but I think I shouldn't have experimented with the wider hips. Plus, as with Clive, I had a lot of trouble faithfully copying the head, which pissed me off because the thirty minute Charlotte was exactly what I wanted, from the neck up. Ah well, more sheets filled with multple Charlottes should help me improve my consistency. I think part of what helped with thirty minute Chartlotte's face was that I'd done a larger drawing of it just before I attempted the full figure.
Ah well, I feel progress is being made and the Drawing: Basic Anatomy guide I picked up along with the Syd Fields book shouldn't hurt. Meanwhile, I've written the first ten strips and have been adding to a list of general ideas whenever I have one. I know that I'll want to get a few strips done and in the can before I start posting them so that I can have a buffer to protect me, should life get in the way. I've noticed that, as with most websites, webcomics tend to live or die by the regularity of their updates. They don't necessarily have to update five times a week, but they do need to update when they say they're going to. I've also just about settled on a title as well, which shouldn't be tooooo hard to guess!

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