Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Please note, your server has full creative control of your cocktail pleasure

Hello all you guys and dolls out there in internet land. This humble reporter needs a good nights rest and so this shall be a short one. These last two evenings have been mostly spent attending to a deal of the mundane...lord but it takes time to acquire all the little things that let you focus on activities other than acquiring all the little things! Like lamps.

But you can expect, maybe even dare to look forward to, the second installment of "Scriptin' Fancy-Like" tomorrow night. Between now and then, may I suggest that you make for yourself the following. Also, be sure to enjoy it!

Mercury (Martini)
2 1/2 oz
-Absolut Vodka
-Apple Liquer
-Strawberry Juice


Anonymous said...

I might suggest something a little different.

Rum Roger's Roggering (Rum):
3 oz
-El Dorado Demerara 5 Year Old Rum
-Ice if you're fancy

That is all.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

This is markedly similar in complexity to my "recipe" for Rum.

Oliver's Instant Enjoyment
5 oz
- Coconut Rum
- Novelty ceramic cup shaped like an ancient pagan god.
- Two ice cubes maybe
- Comfy Chair
- People to listen to outragous anecdotes, fondle

Lance "Danger" Fury said...

outrageous anecdotes, fondle