Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm okay!

I'm....I'm pretty okay!

But enough about me as a person, I'm also in full health. A couple of people have written or called me in the past 24 hours to ask if I suffered any hardships or injury as a result of a rogue weather pattern which hit London last night.

Apparently this isn't even the first time such a thing has happened recently.

Meanwhile, during a boring moment at work on my lunch hour, I went to wikipedia and hit "Random Article" for the first time. Though I usually leave "strange internet stuff" to the professionals, I think I will just this once share what I came up with. A book written by H.P. Lovecraft and illustrated by H.R. Geiger would have hard time coming up with something so foul.

I have't clicked it a second time, nor do I plan to - I think I shall quit while I am ahead.

In the realm of the pseudo-mundane, I picked up a half price watercolour painting kit today. I have had some ideas floating around and since I can do a decent impersonation of an artist, I reckon I'll make some of my own wall decorations for my room.


Anonymous said...

That's right kids, leave it to the professionals. You don't want to find out that Giant Owl Terrorizes Train Station, or that One Third of All Fish Species in the Yellow River Are Extinct, or even Cambodian Jungle Girl Found. Oddly enough, all I got for the random article was places in Wyoming, Japanese newspapers, and a Jazz album.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Oh lord, that second reminds me of how I fucking loath the Chinese government. Bash Bush all you want (he deserves it) but honestly, honestly...China. What. The. Fuck.

Anonymous said...

The East, as always, remains inscrutable.

Lance "Danger" Fury said...

the chinese don't seem to mind the fact that they only have one political party