Sunday, December 13, 2009

And then life gets crazy busy again

Ah well! Can't do much about that.

So, other than fighting crime I've been working hard on the show and trying to plan all the right moves for at least the first few months of next year.

You can expect me to elaborate on such things in my fourth annual End of a Year post, if not sooner! but for now I have piles of running around to do before heading to my folks for the holidays.

(Great Batman photo by Posterchild)


Anonymous said...

I don't recall Batman looking so ... scruffy

Anonymous said...

PS - There aren't enough good chick comic characters ... to dress up as one of my favourites I'd have to gender-bend. Boo.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Batman could have probably shaved or at least trimmed his dang bat-beard, this is true!

Actually, there are some pretty awesome lady characters - it's just that not many of them have had the same mainstream exposure as Batman or Spiderman.

If you ever want the info (say, next Halloween) then you know who to ask!