I wouldn't say I'm worn out, but it's been getting hard to remember what I did with some of my spare time when I wasn't obsessively bouncing between the BBC, Crooks & Liars, The Daily Show, Real Time with Bill Maher, and - when feeling particularly obsessive - any damn news source I can get my hands on.
I read three articles in the Toronto Sun today. The Sun for Christ's sake.
The way I see it is this, yes I can end up being pretty OCD with my interests but this is something else. Bush Jr came into power not long before I left home and his reign kicked into overdrive as I'd barely begun my University degree. So he has basically been the U.S. President of my adult life thus far. Say what you will about the coming end of American dominance, this has been and will continue to be one of the most influential individuals in the entire human race. And though he's a far cry in deeds, I can't say much more about our own slide from Chretien to the breif bit of Mr. Mediocre to Prime Minister "Fuck the arts, fuck the environment, fuck you" Harper.
Turn off your cynicism for a moment and just try to imagine such a thing. It's rather pleasant and uplifting, isn't it?
I'm going to go to an election party at the Bloor Cinema tomorrow night and expect to get as wound up as I've often seen others get while watching the final game of the World Series or the like. The stakes are certainly high enough!
In other newz, lord but I kind of want this but must pinch pennies for a camera or two and also other important things that are not an internet reference in shirt form.
The important thing is that no matter who wins, pandas will still be stupid. Fucking pandas. Oh, look at me, I can only survive off certain kinds of bamboo! My diet is so low in nutrition that I have to purposely avoid walking uphill to conserve energy! Uh oh! I can only breed for two days once every year and loud noises make me have a miscarriage!
I hate them so much!
Ha ha! Out of left field.
Ubuntu seems to have made a huge difference in viewing your log. Faster and no sudden hold ups.
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