Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Terrible Cracking Sounds!

Broadstairs was wonderful and restful as always, now back to der hunt - I have an interview with a biomedical copywriting firm on Thursday that I'm looking forward to. Though not film work, it would be something where - gasp - I'd get to use my education. Oddly, the camera didn't get much of a workout...though later I might post short clip of a failed sand castle attempt, if it crosses the line from "personal trivium" to "something others may enjoy" upon a second viewing.

Meanwhile, good eye on one of the First World Problem readers for deciphering my scrawl in the second strip and realizing that "Flloyd Boastman" was based on my first impression of Loyd Grossman. She then passed along the following video clip of him being lampooned by British comedy duo Vic and Bob!


P.S. My apologies to those who have written me lately and are still waiting for a reply. My wrist has been getting wonky and so I'm reluctant to spend more time on the computer than is absolutely necessary (re: continued job hunting). I will write to you all as soon as I can do so without terrible cracking sounds coming from my right hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the video clip especially the way he floated through the air on his tippy toes!

Don't worry about the cracking sounds in your hand. It's the cracking sounds in your head that should be a cause for concern!

Happy Job Hunting.