Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One Hundred, No More, No Less

Hooooo boy did I get my time wasted by the University of East London today. Apparently it is okay for their people to tell lies over the phone to get you to come by for a job, but then be told there is only some kind of six month un-paid training on the table. I would like to write these people one hundred letters and these shall all begin with "Dear Cunts".

I got pretty wary when I sat down and was asked to fill out a poorly photocopied form which asked for all sorts of information that they should theoretically already have had since they found me through my CV on Monster. In all my life, that has been about as good a sign as if I were to walk into a prospective employers office to find him impregnating his sister while watching pro wrestling on the tee-vee.

But at least when I got home I had a letter from Spain, a letter which made this recent Overcompensating strip seem all the more special.
Addendum: Paul Pope writes something dear to my heart.


Anonymous said...

Ouch. But hey, maybe the British Library will work out. You could certainly abuse the PR Job...

Oliver: And as the new PR Officer for the British Library, I would just like to go on record to say that the University of East London are all cunts. Now, next week, we'll be hosting a range of events at the library...

Anonymous said...

I've been to a couple of job interviews where they gave me forms like that. I especially like when there's a section on the form of "questions they should already know" where they ask you why you're interested in this job, when most of the time I'm not even sure what the job is and the only reason I'm there is because they called me and I'm getting a little desperate. That's the point in time where I start humouring/talking down to the interviewer.

"Would you run to Toronto for a million dollars?"
"Um, no, probably not."
"Really? I would."
"Yeah, ok..."

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Oh man, I wish I'd kept a cool enough head to start taking the piss. Instead I opted for the stern "This has been a complete waste of my time"-and-then-walking out-the-door option.

I'm guessing the lady in the unflattering pantsuit wasn't used to folk being that direct, given that her eyes grew wider then the time Kathy from Marketing told her that everybody knew she bought her fake nails from the dollar store.