Saturday, April 21, 2007

I am full of expensive spaghetti, iced tea

Went into towne to meet someone for dinner tonight and I had my camera with me so...

Here are a couple of pictures from Sloane Square, which is in Kensington - AKA the wealthiest borough in London. Want to spend twenty million pounds on a home? Then come on down!Dinner was nabbed at an Italian cafe in Covent Garden Market - a great place to see at any time of day, it has proper stalls and shops during the morning and afternoon, then transforms into a dense nest of great eateries in the evening. Prices are generally average and up - but certainly better than most places I saw in Kensington (where you were looking at thirteen pounds and up for the main course).
And later still, I had a bit of a ramble before hopping on the tube. True story!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, as always. Have you had lunch in the crypt at St-Martin's in the Fields yet?

Oliver Brackenbury said...


I keep forgetting!

And yet, twice now I've been in Trafalgar Square and thought "I was supposed to eat somewhere near here....but WHERE?"