Thursday, April 12, 2007

So it goes...

Here's a First World Problem if there ever was one.
"Man, I actually have a full days work to do!"

Thus I can't get too wordy today, but I can point you in the direction of a curiously intelligent statement made by that Austrian guy who did some movies. The nut of it is that Arnold has come out and said that guilt isn't a good motivator to get people on board with fighting climate change. Plus it really needs to be made sexy and respectable so as to rescue it from the "hippie tree-hugger" stigma. If he keeps coming out with statements like this then he can inappropriately grab all the women he likes!


Meanwhile, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. finally got his wish. I'd say it's a shame, but I think the real shame is that such a talented writer felt that he'd reached his peak more than 35 years ago. Yet perhaps I only feel this way because my absolute favorite works of his were all written after Slaughterhouse-Five. If you've never read that man's work, I'd recommend starting with Slapstick - it's more absurd than a lot of his works but it speaks just as powerfully and is what lead to me acquiring almost his entire library over my high school years.

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