Monday, February 26, 2007

Right then, the Script to Screen course.

It was a hell of a day with much to take in. The strict course content on things like “What is a Sales Agent?” or “The importance of Chain Of Title” were easy enough, that kind of learning is something I’ve had plenty of experience with. But all else that came at me that day really left me in an odd way. Riding the Picadilly tube home, I’d even say I was the closest that I’ve ever been to throwing this whole “film thing” out the window. Not in a tantrum of frustration but what felt like a deadened, rational process of decision making.

Eventually I resolved to sleep on it and, of course, woke up Sunday morning better able to make sense of it all and with a mind to keep at this lengthy, arduous task I’ve set myself. But there’s no ignoring that my head had been seriously rattled – hardly what I’d been expecting.

This came primarily from two angles. The less detailed one being that I’d not put my head in a good position from the previous weeks crap sleep and the foul mistake of eating McDonalds for breakfast, as I’d found my usual home breakfast a bit lacking. The latter may sound like something bordering on superstition but I’ll swear on all the Baby Jesus’ you’ve got in your cupboard that eating a Sausage & Egg McMuffin does have a dramatic, chemically induced effect on the mood of those who do not consume them often. I myself seem to eat them once a year or even further apart, whatever period of time is necessary for me to forget why I was put off the time before. Some of what comes up in Super Size Me supports this, but I reckon I should either read up on it or at least get a post-it note tattoo like the amnesiac in Memento.

At least.

So there’s the physical set-up but the mental one is all the stranger. The teacher was a fellow ten years my senior with precisely that amount of post-education experience in the industry. English in origin but with a primarily North American education and though this was a kind of course of aspiring producers, he’d be primarily described as a writer/director who has had experience producing. He spoke and, more to the point, I took in what he said in much the same way as I have had my own manner of speaking described to me time and again over my whole life.

Fairly quick, lots of anecdotal examples and plenty of digressions which all intertwined in ellipses along the line of one primary narrative. There was a vast variety of tone and…I guess we’ll call them morals, rather than points. What made all these tales and sub-tales particularly hard for me to unravel on the spot was not only their density and volume but the broad spectrum of positive and negative elements. Mix this all with the somewhat surreal notion that I was looking at someone I could quite possibly become in ten years and by the end of the day my head felt packed with dozens of lengths of knotted up twine that needed sorting. Is this what some people feel like when I’m able to get away with rabbiting on for a good length of time?

In other details the hard information was very useful and I do feel that I have a better understanding of the process from writing to distribution. There were lots of handy details which I appreciated, particularly the copyright law for scripts in England which dictate that once the ink dries it is the sole property of the author – as opposed to the North American approach which requires that the script be registered with one governing body or the other. All in all the only thing I would have asked was that their might have been an outline for the students to help follow along and that some of the “No seriously, getting into this industry is a hell of a gamble and you may suffer Dissapointment” remarks had been left out. I’ve heard enough of those from all sorts of corners and if I’d been in a stronger state I think I’d have interrupted to specifically say “Yes thank you, now can we please move on”. But then, dwelling too long on one point is another of my traits I saw mirrored in this guy, so I shouldn’t be too hard.

At one point he described England as somewhere one can generally find a middling success, as opposed to abject failure or making X millions on the latest Harry Potter, and given that he later mentioned his investing in a new night club…I think that “middling” success would be fine by me, though I will still take aim at the highest point I can see.

As an aside, the teacher asked me if I was Australian. This is something my dad gets asked from time to time and I wonder if the Australian accent really can be considered the end result of blending Canadian and English accents. I don’t have any definitive conclusions on this number; I just thought I’d mention an oddity.

In the end I am still signing up for the Panico Film Society and writing my balls off (I was pleased to, at one point, be told that a good script is “everything”). More news as this develops.


Anonymous said...

If its any consolation, many people have asked me if I'm Czechoslovakian based on my accent(?) and way of speaking very rapidly.

I hope that this course works out for you and that you avoid the toxic mistake of ingesting an egg mcmuffin. Do you want me to try and find you some savory breakfast recipes or foods? Off hand, I recommend kippers as herring is fucking awesome for your body and brain. Two herrings provide all the nutrients a man needs to live healthily on for a single day!

Shawn M. said...

I wanted to say something, but it just came out '!!!' every single time.

I've had moments (who hasn't?) wherein I questioned whether or not this 'writing' thing was for me, but you're way further along I think in terms of battling the ins and outs of the 'industry.'

So then, as a laudable fellow, I am caught between worlds - wanting to offer sympathy, and yet not wanting to smear your tits with so much pablum. In short, I'll just stick with '!!!'

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Tom, I appreciate the kind words of course, but I think you have a magical power. This magical power allows you to read things which say that events are past and then switch it up in your mind so that they have yet to happen. Shall we call this teliological dyslexia? If so, what a wonder it must be to read of how humanity is due for such things as two world wars and a Roman empire.

As for breakfasts, weeks back I was cooking Bacon Buttes, Scrambled Eggs, Waffles and other savory things which apparently need to be capitalized. But I seem to have stopped all that in favor of sleeping in an extra half hour and just having cereal with the occaisional bit of toast (rasberry jam division). Fascinating stuff, I know!

But I think I shall endeavor to investiage this herring routine. I miss fish, haven't had much of anything fishy in some time.

Anywho, Shawn, I guess you could say I'm "Staying the course" (to use a phrase). But now that I think about it, the jarring I got was probably EXTRA jarring since, as a person with zero religious beliefs that need defending from the forces of logic 24/7, I don't have my sense of purpose (AKA "Faith") assailed that often. Weird stuff...

Anonymous said...

Well, given that you are in the process of taking a course and have yet to finish said course (unless it was a one day or weekend affair, in which case I've magically misinterpreted things wonderfully), then I can only assume that this course and its effect upon you have not been determined. Hence, "I hope this course works out for you". So while this class in particular has left you feeling like Goethe's Young Werther, there remains the potential for the course to leave you feeling like you've gotten a BJ from ol' Britannia herself.

Anyways, I'm greatly looking forward to this Second World War thing I'm hearing about. It seems to be quite the exciting event. I hope that terrible Pearl Harbour gets bombed.

Shawn M. said...

I believe Oliver is referring to the following bit of conversation:

Oliver: I ate an Egg McMuffin, and it destroyed everything that I ever held dear!

Tom: Good luck avoiding that Egg McMuffin!

Anonymous said...

I see... it appears that I forgot to type that magical word 'again' in my first post. I blame Space AIDS. If only I can find the president of Ghana...

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Shawn is correct and wins 10 blog points which can be redeemed at most major retail outlets for a small does of self esteem.

Watch out for Visual AIDS, Tom. Shit is nasty, all filling up your vision with power-point presentations about your upcoming doom.

Anonymous said...

I would care, but I can't seem to navigate my way out of this flow chart happily.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Eat the peanut butter!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Hi!