Tuesday, January 23, 2007


The kindly chump who I've been leaching broadband off of for the past month finally discovered how to lock his network. Thus, here I am back at the internet cafe, waiting until February 1st when British Telecom will hook me up to my own connection - which I can thankfully afford, after getting a few weeks of solid work under my belt. After doing a little budget, I figure I could even rebuild my shattered (LAPTOP/MOVIE/MOVING - THREE HIT COMBO TO WALLET) savings by the end of April. Financial security you say?

Meanwhile I've met up with my cousin Dan and seen the Tate Modern, finally. After that it was a few drinks at an equally few Thameside bars - beware the beer named "St.Fillelens"...or something like that.

The Archbrook treatment inches ever close to completion, with the second act basically wrapped up I just have to tie together all the loose bits I've written down for the third. I am super excited to start on the script proper as it feels like it shall be naught but gravy with the actual story worked out in advance. But we shall see!

Anyways, when my home connection is hooked up next Thursday y'all can expect more posts and a return of both pictures and new Dirk clips. I've redone episode 4 and will send it off to Joey T for a soundtrack as soon as I can.

Take care for now!


Shawn M. said...



Anonymous said...

Tate Britain is also pretty good.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

Yeah, it was pretty okay! The usual mix of unexptectly profound works and naked emporers which I've come to expect from modern art galleries. The big bonus is that it is FREE.

Also - Shawn - whaaaaat?

Lance "Danger" Fury said...


pimp it like only a yam can