Thursday, October 19, 2006

And now I am a man

As of this writing, my first Shepherds pie is in the oven and is only ten minutes away from reaching a point halfway between "edible" and "perfection". I'd forgotten, until tonight, how I had actually been quite the little chef until I was about 14. Then the hormone-fueled idleness of adolescence must have driving it out of my mind with ill-formed thoughts about personal identity and existential questions which would embarrass Burt Reynolds, let alone Bertrand Russell.

After dinner I face the challenge of coming up with "an example of my writing" to show to the good folk over at Lead Generators in my interview tomorrow. They only just emailed me today about the need to bring such a thing, which I suppose I should have anticipated. Old University papers would make it look like that is all I have written. I am tempted to use a segment of script, but most things I write are far less impressive when taken out of context and I can't rightly see them wanting to read an entire script. I tried digging through my hard drive for old articles that I did for The Comic Book Shoppe, but was amazed to find that I must have typed most of them at work and saved none of them in a digital format to my old home computer.
A friend of mum's had the bright idea that I look at the company website, assess what it is they are looking for in my work, then make up something new in the form of an advertisement for another website/business. I guess we'll see what I can come up with...

Meanwhile, it is worth mentioning an odd bit of organized...not graffiti, so much, but a reclaiming of corporate space for a public message. Right now a good deal of billboards have a primarily black advertisement which features large white text reading "And they say nothing good ever came out of America". I cannot tell you what this is an ad for because every single one, without exception, has been defaced so as to become anti-American propaganda. The simplest method is unto the first I saw, which was at night while driving back from a nice dinner with my cousin Suzanne and her husband. All details but the text are blacked out, and the text is manipulated slightly so as to read "Nothing good ever came out of America". This first sighting had me momentarily convinced that someone with a good deal of money was running a public opinion campaign of epic proportions...

Other ones are either messy versions of the first, or they are covered up with posters - most notably one which was covered in bright red posters of Lenin (the text was in Russian, otherwise I'd tell you what it was about).

I have always been without my camera upon spotting one of these, but I shall try to remember to come back with it on the next occasion that I spot one.


Anonymous said...

They must never discover my plan to slander America

Anonymous said...

Apparently it's a new television station. One of the comments in the above blog called it "racist," which made my day.

Anonymous said...

Looks like anonymouse is in the sex trade!
Wow and all that free money.

Oliver Brackenbury said...

I knew it was only a matter of time before automated advertising posts started to spawn like the single-cell organisms that they are. I'll just have to keep cleaning out the gutters...

Thanks for the link Shawn. I followed it up with some in-depth clickery and found that many, MANY people referred to it as being racist. I know how trendy it is to bash Americans and all, it's almost getting tediously regular, but they just keep knocking it out of the park!

Anonymous said...

dude I cannot believe you deleted my spoof "african prince" message :(